2021 Covid-19 Safe Summer

Here at Camp Greenwood we strive to provide a safe and fun summer. Due to the current pandemic we have added a few more precautions to help us provide the safest of summer for our campers.

Before arriving at Camp please make sure your campers health history is updated on Ultra Camp. When you arrive at camp we ask you to stay in your car and a staff member will come to you. Make sure to pack your Campers with a Mask (more than one if able), and some hand sanitizer to be well prepared (we will have hand sanitizer at many locations around the camp as well as provide many breaks for handwashing with anti-bacterial soap) We do recommend if your camper is able to receive the vaccine for Covid-19, but it is not a requirement.

Drop off:
When you come to camp on the day of drop-off, please do not exit your vehicle, a staff member will come over to your camper and record their temperature. They will also ask your camper a few pre-screening questions, listed below:

  • Have you had a sore throat, cough or difficulty breathing in the past 14 days?
  • Have you had any severe headaches, vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19?

Once the pre-screening is done, your camper can leave their car and head to the check-in process. We ask that any Parent/Guardians/siblings stay in the car to limit the number of people exposed to our campers. We know that this will be a huge change from the past, but we want to be able to provide the best care for our campers. Once your camper has gone through the arrival health screening a staff member will inform you all is good, and you can take off. Please do not leave until a staff member informs you that you are able to.

During Camp:
Each morning before the campers leave their cabins, our health office will come by and record their temperature and record any symptoms. Mask will be required during any indoor activity or transportation. Cabin groups will remain together the entire day. Within cabin groups, social distancing will not be required but recommended, and cabin groups will remain 20 feet apart at all times.

Pick Up:
When you arrive for pick up a staff member will come to your car and ask you what camper you are picking up. They will then have you sign the release form at the time, and go get your camper and their belongings so they can tell you all about the fun they had this week while at camp as you leave.

When should my camper stay home from camp?

  • When they have a temperature of 100.4 or greater
  • Sore Throat and/or Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • New onset headaches
  • Are in quarantine due to exposure to an individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19

Are you requiring testing or the COVID-19 Vaccine?
No we are not requiring testing or the Covid-19 vaccine, but we do recommend both if you have the ability. If you can get a negative test 3 – 5 before camp, and the vaccine at least 14 days before camp that could help mitigate any spread and keep your camper safe. But this not a requirement just a recommendation.

What would happen if my camper shows symptoms at camp after drop off?
If a camper show symptoms after drop off, they would be separated from the other campers to the Health Cabin, and the Health Director and Camp Director would make a determination on whether or not the camper should be sent home. If they are to be sent home a phone call to the parents/guardian would happen to make arrangements. A letter would then be sent to all the parents of the campers cabin, and symptoms of the other cabins will continued to be monitored closely.

How are you making sure the cabins/dining hall/bathrooms are hygienic?
All common areas will be cleaned and disinfected daily, more common areas use regularly like bathrooms will be cleaned twice daily.

Are Masks required and if so at what times?
Masks will be required at all times when indoors, other than when eating, sleeping, and showering.

What will happen during dining times?
We are going to try our best to eat outside at all time when possible. If the weather is not permitting we have many locations to have inside dining by cabin groups.

Is the Camp Store going to be open?
The camp store will be open during separate times to allow cabins groups time to make their purchase away from other groups.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us at office@campgreenwood.org or call us at 616.754.7258