2024 Summer Camp
Registration for our 2024 summer camp session will open up on Jan 1st, 2024.
Week One (6/16/24 4pm- 6/21/24 4pm)
We want you to get creative! Imagination Unchained will allow our campers to explore and create art projects that spark their imagination, find the beauty in nature, and show off their art to the public. Working with biodegradable and recyled materials, we will learn how to create art while caring for our environment. Play with clay and paper to make interesting sculptures, or find new ways to design frameable pieces.
Art Unleashed gives our older campers a chance to shine, learn, and get inspired! What will you shape from clay, produce on paper, construct with tools, or dream in your mind? Each medium looks, feels, and acts differently, just like your art. Find your inspiration and show off your work for others to enjoy!
Week Two (6/23/24 4pm -6/28/24 4pm)
If you’re always ready to put on a swimsuit, get messy, a litle crazy, and go for a swim, you’ll love Wacky Water Week! Every day is filled with different ways to play in the water and beat the heat. Show off your swimming and boating skills, or get crazy with water balloons, either way you’re guaranteed to get wet!
There are many ways to investigate the world around us. Should we talk biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, or all of them? If you’re curious about how the world works, what you can do to work and play in it, and what might lie beyond it, we have the camp for you. Explore, analyze, examine, and question what you know and learn while doing real research, building models, and creating goo!
Week Three. Part One (6/29/24 4pm – 7/1/24 12pm)
$275.00 Adults / $195.00 Under 18 / Free Under 2.
Everyone needs to relax and have fun, especially you! Camp isn’t just for kids, it can be for the whole family. Join us for a few days of games, crafts, nature, sports, swimming, and other fun activities. Bring your kids, bring your parents, bring your friends, and experience what summer camp is like. Take the time to breathe, connect, and grow together while having a blast!
Week Three. Part Two (7/1/24 4pm – 7/3/24 4pm)
The best 3 days of Summer! Mini Camp is a great way to introduce your camper to overnight camp. Sign them up for campfires, swimming, field games, arts and crafts, and getting out into nature! Stay in a cabin and meet new friends and have a great time with our counselors!
Week Four (7/7/24 4pm – 7/12/24 4pm)
Gather your courage and try something new! Adventure Camp takes campers on off-site field trips to explore and expand their horizons. Mix it up with learning leadership and teambuilding skills and combine it with getting outside the box. There’s always something different happening during Adventure Week!
Week Five (7/14/24 4pm – 7/19/24 4pm)
Join our second week of our most popular session and be ready to get wacky, wet, and wild! Wacky Water Week is a whirlwind of water games in the lake and on land that will help you beat the heat! Put on a swimsuit, grab your water balloons, and jump on in!
Bring your questions and your thinking caps, because a second week of Science Snoops is for you! Learn with us as we explore, analyze, and examine how the world works and what weird experiments you can do! Crouch down or glance up and see a world full of wonder and exciting new things!
Week Six (7/21/24 4pm – 7/28/24 12pm)
How do people live around the world? How are other cultures different from yours? Become an explorer right here at camp, and learn more about what makes each person on this earth unique. People have adapted their customs, food, games, and art to their environments, their beliefs, and their societies. Come take a journey around the world with us!
Challenge yourself and find your team with other 8-Day Seekers. Become the best version of yourself by building your confidence, listening and communication skills, and practicing trust, perseverance, and collaboration. Every team needs a leader, but not everyone can be a leader within the team, and both are needed to work together. Are you ready for this challenge?